My favorite job.
Ever since I was a child I dreamed of working in an office, of what, I didn't know. When I was 14 years old I was interested in studying accounting at school and I loved it because I had to work in an office, in front of a computer and with a cup of coffee by my side.
When I left school (2018-2019) I worked in the accounting department of a large company, it met my expectations. I worked for almost a year, but I had to stop working because I had to study at the university.
I didn't want to study accounting, I had to look for another area, I was interested in Social Work. In Social Work, you can work in communities and in the office. I like working with people too much, the interactions and helping others with their social problems.
Although the university where I'm studying Social Work prepares me to do research and create solutions to social problems, I'm very interested in being able to make interventions in the territories, I feel that in this way better solutions can be created in relation to community work and with different age groups.

I would like to earn too much money, but just enough to be able to live well and the rest to donate to a foundation. But to earn all that money you have to work too much and without rest.
So, my goal is to finish studying Social Work and work to be able to help others. Social worker, my favorite job.
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