
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021

My Best Holiday in Valparaiso, Chile

Hi everyone!! :) My best holiday was in November 2020, during the pandemic. I remember I wanted to get out and breathe some fresh air. So I packed my backpack and travelled to Valparaiso with my girlfriend. It was a three days of holidays. We visited the most famous hills (Cerro Carcel, Cerro Alegre, Cerro Concepción and Cerro Bellavista), walked along the waterfront and visited the beaches close to where we stayed. Also, that weekend, we ate salmon at a restaurant near the beach, really delicious and fresh. We made a reservation in the Hill, its name is "Casa Verde Limón" Hostel, their rooms were very beautiful, I recommend it.  It has very nice decorations, with Cable TV and excellent room service. Back on topic, I consider it to have been the best holiday so far, because it was improvised, we de-stressed and we met a beautiful city. Even though it was only a few days, I would return to Valparaiso a thousand times, there are still things to know.

Traveling outside Chile.

Hello everyone! :D If I had the opportunity to travel to another country, I would like to travel to Brazil. I consider that it has beautiful postcards and beautiful places to visit. I would like to see its beaches, architecture, and its colorful favelas. I really know very little about Brazil. I only know that "Cristo de Redentor" is in Rio de Janeiro, that it is president is called Jair Bolsonario and that he is not afraid of COVID-19. Also, at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Jose Paulo Netto, PhD in Social Service, teaches. I like your contributions to Social Work. If I had the opportunity to go to Brazil (although people say Brazil is dangerous), I would like to walk the streets of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. I would also like to go on exchange and work there to earn money and travel around the country to get to know other realities, different from Chile.