English language challendges

At the end of the course I can conclude that it was not easy, but not difficult to learn English. I feel that there was a lack of support from the teachers to improve the speaking skills of the students.

On the other hand, the use of blogs has been a novel idea for me, because you can give your opinion on the topics offered by the teacher. This way one improves every week, the use of the language and writing in English. 

Considering my English language skills, I feel that I need to improve my pronunciation and communication with others. In the last English class, the teacher told me that I should improve that by trying to practice continuously speaking alone or with someone. Also, I have been told that I can improve by listening and singing music in English, also watching English series with subtitles, to recognize the words or change the language of the computer or cell phone, to become more familiar with the language.

Outside of English classes, I use the language very little, sometimes I watch subtitled series on Netflix or listen to music from American rappers (Ice Cube, it's my favourite rapper). Also, when I play games I read the instructions in English. But I feel that I understand the language when I read and sometimes when I listen to a conversation in English. 


In conclusion, I know that I have to improve, but I have to go little by little, even though I have progressed a lot with the English classes at the University. In my school they taught very little and always taught the same thing (the verb "to be").


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