
English language challendges

At the end of the course I can conclude that it was not easy, but not difficult to learn English. I feel that there was a lack of support from the teachers to improve the speaking skills of the students. On the other hand, the use of blogs has been a novel idea for me, because you can give your opinion on the topics offered by the teacher. This way one improves every week, the use of the language and writing in English.  Considering my English language skills, I feel that I need to improve my pronunciation and communication with others. In the last English class, the teacher told me that I should improve that by trying to practice continuously speaking alone or with someone. Also, I have been told that I can improve by listening and singing music in English, also watching English series with subtitles, to recognize the words or change the language of the computer or cell phone, to become more familiar with the language. Outside of English classes, I use the language very little, so...

Back to the Future?

I have never been interested in time travel to the future, because I have seen "Back To The Future" and I have learned that it is not good to do so, because making the slightest change damages the entire timeline of existence. I have no scientific or empirical support to justify this change in the timeline, but in the movie, “Dr. Emmett Brown" says it so seriously, that it is reason enough to believe him. But, in the same way I would like to visit Chile in another 100 years to analyze what the new generation thinks about the current generation. Maybe they think we are the worst stage of the human race for not taking care of the planet. I would like to see if the science fiction movies are right when they say that the planet Earth will be desert, that there will be colonies of humans in space, on the moon or on Mars. Maybe there will be a world war over drinking water. After that little trip and analysis, I would not stay because at the slightest change in the future, the...

Changes to my study programme.

Hello everyone!! I'm studying Social Work. Then, I have always thought that the study programs should be changed, they have many things that in the end are not taken into account at work. I consider that there are many years of studies and a lot of money invested so that in the end it is not worthwhile to apply what has been learned. The program of study of Social Work should include subjects that are relevant to exercise the work in the best possible way. For example, what is the use of teaching philosophy if in the end the social worker will work with contingent social problems. Philosophy in the work field is not valued. The curriculum should have a focus on social relationships and communication with others. It should also have the necessary courses to be able to conduct research in a better way. For example, statistics and research methods. The academic load should not be so extensive or saturated, they have to be as didactic as possible to capture the attention of the student...

My favorite job.

 Ever since I was a child I dreamed of working in an office, of what, I didn't know. When I was 14 years old I was interested in studying accounting at school and I loved it because I had to work in an office, in front of a computer and with a cup of coffee by my side.  When I left school (2018-2019) I worked in the accounting department of a large company, it met my expectations. I worked for almost a year, but I had to stop working because I had to study at the university. I didn't want to study accounting, I had to look for another area, I was interested in Social Work. In Social Work, you can work in communities and in the office. I like working with people too much, the interactions and helping others with their social problems. Although the university where I'm studying Social Work prepares me to do research and create solutions to social problems, I'm very interested in being able to make interventions in the territories, I feel that in this way better solutions ...

My favorite soccer team.

Hello everyone!! Ever since I was a child I was attracted to soccer, but I didn't understand anything. I only knew that the team I followed was the most popular in the country. The years passed and I learned more about the team. I learned about the championships won, about its history and about its people. Apart from their trophies, I was struck by their history and the relationship they have with social injustices and the working people, because when they win, the country is happier, the bread is crunchier and the coffee sweeter. They also represent the values of the Mapuche people, who are "brave, strong and great" . The idea of the club is to keep their culture and values alive through soccer. The more I learn, the more I like my soccer team. I have become a loyal fan and proudly wear the jersey everywhere I go. I don't miss any matches, every weekend I watch the matches with my grandfather on TV. My favorite soccer team has strengthened relationships with my grand...

The past is important

Hi everyone!👋 When I started studying Social Work at the University, I thought that its subject was social relations and solidarity, but during these years I learned that this isn’t the case.  I learned that Social Work has an interesting origin from many centuries ago. (For example, since the Industrial Revolution) and that in Chile it started thanks to a group of wealthy women or also, thanks to students from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile.  The central theme of this post isn’t to get bored if in some class we talk about stories that happened a long time ago. Everything from the past is still related to the present and is important for the critical knowledge we are developing. I'm writing this because I think that nobody is prepared for this. I found it boring for teachers to talk about things from the past, but it left me a lesson. I want everyone to understand this.   In conclusion, study what you dreamed of and learn things from the past to be an excel...

My Best Holiday in Valparaiso, Chile

Hi everyone!! :) My best holiday was in November 2020, during the pandemic. I remember I wanted to get out and breathe some fresh air. So I packed my backpack and travelled to Valparaiso with my girlfriend. It was a three days of holidays. We visited the most famous hills (Cerro Carcel, Cerro Alegre, Cerro Concepción and Cerro Bellavista), walked along the waterfront and visited the beaches close to where we stayed. Also, that weekend, we ate salmon at a restaurant near the beach, really delicious and fresh. We made a reservation in the Hill, its name is "Casa Verde Limón" Hostel, their rooms were very beautiful, I recommend it.  It has very nice decorations, with Cable TV and excellent room service. Back on topic, I consider it to have been the best holiday so far, because it was improvised, we de-stressed and we met a beautiful city. Even though it was only a few days, I would return to Valparaiso a thousand times, there are still things to know.